Solar & system controllersSolar and system controllers manage battery charging, optimize system operation, and enhance efficiency. Browse products
DHW exchange controllersDHW controllers optimize the operation of solar water heating systems, improving efficiency and energy savings. Browse products
Swimming pool controllersPool controllers manage heating and filtration systems, optimizing operation and energy savings. Browse products
Heating controllersHeating system controllers optimize system operation, improving efficiency and reducing energy consumption. Browse products
Heat TransferExchange station controllers manage heat transfer, optimizing system efficiency and stability. Browse products
Pump stations & accessoriesSolarne stanice i pumpne grupe omogućavaju efikasan prenos energije, optimizujući rad solarnih sistema. Browse products
Visualisation and remote accessRemote access and visualization enable real-time monitoring and management of systems via the internet. Browse products
Datalogger & VBus accessoriesData loggers and equipment enable precise monitoring and data storage for system optimization. Browse products
Tools & HE accessoriesTools and equipment of the system ensure proper installation, maintenance, and optimal operation of solar systems. Browse products
Thermostats, measuring instruments & calorimetersTermostati, merni instrumenti i kalorimetri omogućavaju precizno upravljanje temperaturom i praćenje energetske efikasnosti. Browse products
SensorsSensors monitor and measure key system parameters, enabling precise control and optimization of operation. Browse products
ValvesMotorized valves enable automatic control of fluid flow, improving system efficiency and control. Browse products
Spare parts & accessoriesSpare parts allow for quick replacement of damaged components, ensuring the system’s longevity and reliability. Browse products